How Do We Get Your Team Back InSync?
Our In Sync training program brings seasoned Innovia experts to your doorstep for end-user training tailored to enhance your mastery of Business Central’s core functionalities.
This is a two-day, onsite training session for Microsoft Dynamics BC/ NAV users. The scope of this engagement includes the following:
A pre-visit planning call
System navigation Training
50 useful tips you may not know
Role Center personalization*
Internal User Group - Ongoing training is key to getting the most from your system. Innovia can help you launch an internal user group that will be fun and fruitful. Innovia will help craft the first few agendas and lead the first two meetings.
- Screen Personalization* - Get your home screen feeling more like home! Learn how to get the tasks you perform most frequently at your fingertips and cut down on keystrokes
Reporting options review
Useful tools for self-study
Security review to address current user permissions and identify where best practices should be used
Review Best Practices for using NAV/BC
Post-visit recap report
*No custom development is included in this engagement. Screen personalization is limited to two screens per department and three departments
Frequently Asked Questions

When Would an InSync Team Training Come in Handy?
- It has been at least two years since your last major project with Innovia
- You have never had a project with Innovia
- You have new team members that need to be brought up to speed
- You had a team member leave or retire and suffered a loss in tribal knowledge
- You want an affordable way to provide training and development to your team
How Much Does this Cost?
The Microsoft Dynamics Tune-Up Training Course is a fixed fee of $4,995. The cost of travel time and expenses, if applicable, are not included in this price and will be billed separately.
But wait, there's more!
The cost of this engagement has no limit on the number of team members that participate, so plan to bring your whole team and maximize your training investment
Can we Hold an InSync Team Training Virtually?
Will you be Recording this Training?
Innovia Consulting will not be recording the training class. If you would like to bring your own equipment to record this meeting, you are welcome to do so.
Sign Up Today!
Are you ready to get your team back InSync? Then sign-up for your InSync Team Training today by contacting your Customer Success Manager or filling out the short form below.