NAV and Business Central blogs from Innovia

I Am Getting Feedback Here!

Written by Holly Kutil | 23 Jul 2019

I am not going to lie, when key number three in Shep Hyken’s book, “Be Amazing or Go Home!”, was entitled feedback I winced a little, even thought of skipping over this key. I mean how bad would it be if I got 6 out of 7 of the key points? I will certainly survive and still be amazing in the end, right?  Well, that 1% OCD in me would not allow me to skip over it, so on I went and found exceedingly valuable instruction in this section.

One sentence into the section and there it was; constructive “Criticism,” the word I was not wanting to hear.  Then Shep makes his point, if we don’t know what people are thinking about how we are doing, how will we be able to deliver consistent above average experiences to them?  We must embrace feedback and do something about it.  This in turn will create an epic and loyal community of advocates and allies.

So, get feedback, ask for it, embrace it, and for goodness sakes do something with it. Take action!

We need to continue to ask for feedback well after the “honeymoon period is over.”  Shep tells a great story in this section, you will have to get the book and read it for yourself, but suffice it to say, after the wooing period the guy is not happy with what he gets, and it was not what he expected.  The salesman responds with, “You were a prospect then, now you’re a customer.”  The moral of the story…the honeymoon shouldn’t end when someone chooses to do business with you but should begin and continue until the end of time.

Another form of feedback is rating yourself.  Keeping in mind that you can’t manage what you do not measure.  You can go a step further and ask people that count on you to rate you.  On a scale of 1-10 what would you rate me?  Then a follow up question - how can I get to the next level; how can I be better?  Then again, just as with our other feedback; act, set a new standard, be better, aim higher, level up.

Now that you have embraced feedback and chosen to act, it is important that you follow through to the satisfaction of those you made the promise to.  Keep in mind that a promise delivered is your brand.  This is a great opportunity to stop and consider what your brand is and ask yourself whether you are consistently delivering it.  I chose to do this as an exercise with my World Class Customer Service and Support team.  It was a lot of fun and everyone brought their unique brand to the table. We learned a lot about ourselves and each other in the process.   I will share a few of their slides with you today at the end of the blog.  If you are leading a team, I highly suggest both the book by Shep Hyken’s, “Be Amazing or Go Home!” and the branding exercise we did this past week.

I’ll close today with this challenge; how can we get better?  Commit to constant and never-ending improvement and always be on the lookout for new ways to amaze.  Please don’t choose to be average, or just ok. Don’t be the person who does just enough to get by, instead be a continuous learner, always striving to level up.

I personally have trained myself that every time I fail, miss the mark, or get negative feedback, my inner voice says, “ok, let’s be better!”

See ya at the next level!

~ Holly













Last, I will close with one of the Rate Holly’s responses….

Please consider joining us in reading this amazing book! 

Be Amazing or Go Home
Seven Customer Service Habits
That Create Confidence with Everyone

Author: Shep Hyken | ISBN: 978-0963782076