NAV and Business Central blogs from Innovia

Are you in the 50% that hit their Quota in 2018?

Written by Steve Waltz | 31 Dec 2018

2018 is done and about 50% of salespeople and sales managers are enjoying their eggnog because they reached or exceeded their 2018 Quota.  The other half are updating their resume’s and wondering about their annual reviews in 2019.

Hit your quota, make your quota, and by the way you need to hit your number.  Have you ever heard that from a sales manager?  Early in my career I used to think, wow, that’s it.  You make all that money and instead of helping me hit my quota, all you have is to keep reminding me I won’t.

Research has shown that approx. 25% of Sales Managers know how to be effective Sales Coaches.  So that leaves ¾ winging it.  It is not that most Sales Managers don’t want to better coach their teams, they have never been trained on it. 

We live in a world of CRM where management can view activities of their salespeople.  Salespeople are dealing with more stress than ever before.  Effective organizations use the data in CRM to better coach and guide their sales teams versus the ones that use it for compliance and wonder why their sales teams are missing their numbers.

I will be doing a series of webinars in 2019 on tips to help sales teams crush their quotas for the year.  Coaching, massive action and staging out your sales process will just be a few of the tips we discuss.  Watch the “60 tips in 30 minutes” webinar to help you start 2019 right. By exceeding your sales quota.

Best selling,
