NAV and Business Central blogs from Innovia

Are You Amazing?

Written by Holly Kutil | 14 Jun 2019

I am currently reading Shep Hyken’s book titled “Be Amazing or Go Home!” with my world-class Customer Service and Support Team. I thought I would ponder the chapters, apply them to the Success & the Admin series and share my thoughts on it with you over the summer.

Beginning from the first pages of the book, I have found valuable direction on how to be amazing in your life and career.  The first point Shep makes is that gratitude is the foundation of amazement.  Amazing people appreciate what they have and express appreciation to others.

So our first steps to amazing is reflection.  Are you grateful?  Do you appreciate everything in your life?  Small stuff and big stuff alike?  Finally, are you expressing that appreciation to others?

I am thankful for the coffee pot and its timer that never fails me each morning.  I am grateful for each team member who shows up faithfully for our morning rounds each day.  I am appreciative of my clients for the opportunity that they give me to serve them and their companies each day.  I am grateful for the culture that Innovia Consulting provides for us as a team, or better yet a family.

Because I am appreciative and grateful, I can choose to easily express that gratitude in small gestures and some grandiose expressions.  The important part here is to recognize all you have been given and express it to others with honesty and integrity.

Today I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on your life.  Start a gratitude journal, begin expressing your appreciation and choose to start down the path of amazement!

Until next time,


Please consider joining us in reading this amazing book! 

Be Amazing or Go Home:
Seven Customer Service Habits
That Create Confidence with Everyone

Author: Shep Hyken | ISBN: 978-0963782076